

The Office of the Controller is responsible for ensuring the proper stewardship of the University's financial resources.

Services and Support

The Accounting Office is responsible for the proper maintenance of Brown's financial records. Areas of responsibility include the preparation of financial statements and tax returns, recording investment accounting, endowments and gifts, fringe rate and facilities and administrative (indirect) cost rates.
The Payroll Office handles the processing and payment of all payrolls at Brown University. The office is also responsible for the transmission of taxes, filing of federal and state payroll reports, and production of employee W-2 forms.
The Foreign National Tax Office determines eligibility and taxation of all payments made by the university to non-U.S. citizens. They are also responsible for remitting and reporting taxes withheld on U.S. source income of foreign nationals and producing 1042-S forms.
The Accounts Payable Office manages the process for all supplier invoices, non-payroll payments to faculty and students (miscellaneous payments), expense reimbursements, ClinCard, Purchasing Card and Travel card transactions and policies.
The Supplier Management Office manages the process of registering and maintaining suppliers and miscellaneous payees. In order to receive payment from Brown, suppliers and individual payees not employed by Brown have to be set up in the University’s procurement system.
The Travel Office sets policy and establishes the principles, requirements, and responsibilities for conducting University-related travel, in a manner that supports traveler safety, mitigates financial risk, complies with applicable regulations (including federal, state, and international), promotes environmental sustainability, and fosters prudent use of University resources.
The Controller’s Office maintains the official records of Brown University’s purchased property and equipment. This office manages the appropriate recording of equipment purchases, disposals, and biennial inventory counts.