
Accounts Payable

The Accounts Payable Office manages the process for all supplier invoices, non-payroll payments to faculty and students (miscellaneous payments), expense reimbursements, ClinCard, Purchasing Card (PCard) and travel card transactions and policies.

The Brown University Purchasing Card (PCard) is a University authorized buying method for low-cost purchases of non-restricted commodities from non-restricted suppliers.
ClinCard is a participant payment system that makes it easier, faster and more secure to provide compensation to participants and to track payments through an online system.
The Brown University Travel Card is a corporate-liability Mastercard that will be billed directly to and paid for by the University.
Brown's Expense Reimbursement policy states the requirements for Brown University faculty, staff, and students to be reimbursed for business-related expenses purchased with personal funds. These expenses can include, but are not limited to: travel, hospitality, and business-related purchases.
Brown has specific guidelines for annual spending, which are outlined across various categories. These guidelines govern a range of activities, including meals, hotels, and car rentals.
As a federally tax-exempt institution, Brown University is also classified as an exempt organization in some states. This means that the University is exempt from transactions privilege and/or sales tax in these states.
In support of efficient payment processing to students, refer to the departmental steps associated with student wages, fellowships, and prizes or awards.


You can reach Accounts Payable by email at or by phone at 401-863-2716.