
Travel Card FAQ

The travel card will alleviate the personal financial burden for travel based expenses incurred within the travel policy. All policies, processes and procedures supporting expenses and their reimbursement require adherence with the use of the travel card.

 Yes, an expense report will be needed regardless of the payment method of the expense.

No, cards must be requested by the individual to whom the card will be issued.

Yes, travel cards can be issued to graduate students. Expenses related to undergraduate student travel should be incurred by a card holder in the department on behalf of the student.

No you do not need to itemize if the meal is under $75.  If the meal is over $75 and is for more than 1 individual, itemization is recommended to clearly document the business purpose.

No, you do not need to itemize the parking on your hotel bill onto a separate line in your expense report.

 This is an unallowable expense and will need to be reimbursed to the university.

Yes, you may combine both types of expenses in a single expense reporting.

Yes, you need to attach a receipt for charges greater than $75 when completing your expense reports regardless if there is a travel card charge included. A Missing Receipt Affidavit can be submitted in the event that a receipt for a purchase greater than $75 is lost or never obtained.

Yes, per section 3.6 of the Travel Policy, travelers staying in hotels must book standard room accommodations at hotels in line with the University’s Annual Spending Guidelines. If traveling for a conference, it is acceptable to book room accommodations at the conference hotel even if the negotiated conference rate exceeds the Annual Spending Guidelines.  Exceptions to the policy require senior officer approval.

No, travelers need to choose between reimbursement for meals and requesting a per diem when submitting your expense report.

Yes, you may use your card to pay for travel related expenses for other Brown University employees and students. These charges should be noted in the expense report.

Yes. Department travel cards only may be used to purchase airfare, rail and bus tickets for individuals not employed or enrolled at Brown University.

A frequent traveler is faculty or staff who travel on University business three or more times a year.

It depends; you may be eligible for an exception based on the unique circumstances of your travel. Please contact the travel card administrator at